2023年5月3日,日内瓦: 的 Business Commission to Tackle Inequality (BCTI), 一个跨部门的, 由正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD)召集的领导人及其组织的多利益相关者联盟, today revealed its flagship report Tackling inequality: An agenda for business action. 本报告对私营部门在解决不平等问题方面的关键作用进行了新的分析, and the powerful reasons why business must act with urgency.
在其报告中, BCTI认识到,当今世界的高度结构性不平等是一种系统性风险,对我们的社会和经济构成了生存威胁. BCTI指出,不平等正在侵蚀人们对我们政治和经济体系的信任, fueling civil unrest and polarization, 制约经济增长, and undermining our collective capacity to tackle complex global challenges.
“今天,我们清楚地看到不平等的后果在世界各地展开,”他说 Ilham Kadri, CEO of Solvay and Co-Chair of the BCTI. “But inequality is not a fact of nature; it is a product of our systems and practices, 我们可以改变.”
在这样的背景下, 在过去的18个月里,BCTI的委员们已经确定了各行各业的企业可以使用的最强大的工具,以更公平地分配价值和机会,并防止不平等加剧带来的风险. 认识到近几十年来,某些商业模式和做法导致了社会和经济差距的扩大, 在这个关键时刻, BCTI正规博彩十大网站了个别公司可以采取的具体行动,以确保它们发挥潜力,帮助缩小这些差距,并为人们提供更好的结果. At a high level, these actions are:
- Implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
- Make essential products and services more accessible and affordable
- Create a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace and value chain
- Prepare people for the future of work
- Provide safe, secure and sufficient work
- Pay and promote living wages and incomes
- Support and respect worker representation
- 支持有效的公共政策
- Adopt responsible tax practices
- Realize the just transition to a net-zero and nature positive economy
“This report is a call to action to business leaders,” 彼得,他 总统 and CEO of WBCSD and a Co-Chair of the BCTI. “It provides a clear and compelling case for business action to tackle inequality, 以及全面的, 商业领袖可以利用可信和有影响力的行动议程,帮助建立一个人人享有机会的世界.”
BCTI的报告强调,解决不平等问题有助于企业减轻一系列复合运营, 声誉, 监管和金融风险. 它还强调,企业解决不平等问题的努力应被视为对企业持续成功的关键投资, and have the potential to unlock significant market opportunities.
“Our current economic model is leaving hundreds of millions of people behind.” Alan Jope,首席执行官 联合利华 and a Co-Chair of the Commission. “Tackling this inequality will accelerate economic growth. For example, simply paying living wages could add US$ 4.56 trillion to global GDP every year through increased productivity and spending. Ultimately, businesses thrive when societies thrive too.”
委员会的旗舰报告还提出了一个可持续的业务转型框架,以支持公司识别, 评估和战略性地整合有意义的措施,以应对与不平等相关的风险和机会.
“企业可以通过塑造支持可持续生计的创新商业模式,在解决不平等问题方面发挥变革性作用,” Sanjiv Puri, Chairman of ITC 以及BCTI联合主席. “在国贸, 我们在实地的经验强调了发展包容性价值链的必要性, strengthen climate resilience and build capabilities for tomorrow, especially for farmers and rural communities.”
BCTI的报告强调,企业解决不平等问题的努力必须建立在合作和利益相关者参与的两大支柱上. 不平等是一个系统性问题,因此需要系统性的、多方利益相关者的回应. It will be critical for the private sector to work closely with policymakers, 投资者, NGOs and others to drive change at scale. 除了, 私营部门解决不平等问题的任何严肃努力,都需要植根于与利益相关方积极接触的努力, 或者可能是, 受商业活动影响, and to embed their perspectives into business decision-making.
“在减少不平等、使所有人都能过上自己向往的生活方面,商业可以发挥强大的作用,” Sunny Verghese公司奥兰集团创始人兼首席执行官 集团 以及BCTI联合主席. “奥兰通过努力提高小农社区的收入和生活水平看到了这一点. 跨行业协作, 与政府, and other stakeholders is vital to delivering more opportunities to more people.”
BCTI还强调,与不平等有关的风险也与气候紧急情况和自然损失密不可分. 的 planetary crisis is having profound impacts on people, and if left unchecked stands to further undermine human health, disrupt access to essential products and services, and destroy livelihoods – hitting the most vulnerable in our communities the hardest. 同时, 向净零碳和自然积极经济的过渡只有在公平和包容的情况下才会成功, and delivers opportunities for workers and communities around the world.
“解决不平等问题不仅是一项道德义务,也是确保长期经济增长的商业需要,L说。lynn Forester de Rothschild,包容性资本主义委员会创始人兼BCTI联合主席. “实现这一增长的关键是全球向净零排放的公正过渡,这将通过将人置于过渡的中心,帮助解决日益严重的不平等问题.”
“We are at a step change moment for business, 政府和其他组织共同努力,为所有人创造一个更加公正和公平的社会,” 乔纳斯 撬, Chairman and CEO of Manpower集团 and BCTI Co-Chair. “这份BCTI报告中正规博彩十大网站的实际步骤为创造一个对许多人更美好的未来提供了路线图, 不是少数.”
在2023年, BCTI将继续努力倡导实施这一行动议程,促进和协调推进这些工具的努力, 标准, and collaborations that can support the global business community on this journey.