
    Our 森林解决方案集团 (FSG) is the global platform where leading business in the forest products sector build and share solutions to sustainable development. FSG’s mission is to grow an inclusive circular bioeconomy that is rooted in thriving working forests. ​

    的 森林部门正规博彩十大网站排名目标路线图 released in 2019, provides FSG’s framework for action. As a sign of shared commitment and as a condition of FSG membership, FSG成员认可并遵守一套 会员的原则 & 责任,并每年报告 关键绩效指标(kpi) to track progress towards achieving the SDGs.


    最大限度地为正规博彩十大网站排名目标做出贡献, FSG’s work program if built around two mutually reinforcing pillars:

    可持续工作森林Continuously supply renewable materials for the bioeconomy while providing multiple benefits for people and the planet such as carbon sequestration, 干净的水, 栖息地, 经济生活.

    可持续BioeconomyLead the transition to a low-carbon and circular economy through the supply of renewable products from sustainable working forests to substitute fossil-based materials.

    Click on any of the eight impact areas to learn about FSG members’ commitment, key performance indicators and contributions to the SDGs. 有关更多信息,请下载 森林部门正规博彩十大网站排名目标路线图 Implementation Report.


    We are living in an increasingly resource-constrained world confronted with a climate emergency, 自然的丧失和日益严重的不平等. This calls for a radical shift away from fossil-based materials combined with the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, 材料重用, 扩大包容性商业模式.


    基于森林的循环生物经济, 扎根于森林, is an alternative low-carbon economic model based on the sustainable consumption of biological resources to produce food, 饲料, 产品和能源.


    的 forest sector lies at the heart of this transition to a low-carbon, circular bioeconomy due to the ability of forests and forest products to capture and store carbon. When sourced responsibly, forest products are renewable, and they can be recycled several times. 的y can effectively substitute and complement fossil-based materials in sectors such as packaging, 建筑材料, 纺织品, 生物能源, 药品,甚至车辆部件.

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